Preferences Window
User Setup Page
The User Setup page contains preferences for connections.
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/server_docs/images/PrefsUserSetupWindow.gif/PrefsUserSetupWindow.gif)
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User List
This list shows all authorized users for the server. Click on the name of a user to see
the password and privileges assigned to that user.
New user button
Click this button to create a new user.
Remove user button
Click this button to remove the selected user.
User name
Enter or change the user name here. When a user connects to the server,
capitalization is not important for the user name.
Enter the password for the user here. When a user connects to the server, capitalization
is important for the password.
Choose the privileges that the user will have:
- Add files and folders - the user can copy files to the server, and create folders.
- Replace & rename files and folders - the user can replace files or folders which
already exist on the server.
- Move files and folders - the user can move files and folders to the Trash.
- Empty Trash - the user can empty the Trash.
- Guest Privileges only - the user has exactly the same privileges as those granted
to a Guest.
All users can copy files from the server.
The owner has all privileges, plus the ability to shut down or restart
the server, if the appropriate boxes are checked on the General page.
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